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Учитель иностранного языка
 МОУ КСШ № 1 Могилатская Т.Н.
Урок английского языка 6 класс

Форма урока: зачет знаний по теме.

Цель: Формирование языковой компетенции средствами иноязычной культуры.

Учебный аспект: Совершенствование навыков употребления тематической лексики в новых ситуациях. Отработка в устной речи детей настоящего и прошедшего времени.  Автоматизация навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Обучение работе над проектом.
Познавательный аспект: Знакомство с образом жизни в нашей стране в прошлом. Знакомство с образом жизни в будущем.
Развивающий аспект: Развитие навыков речемыслительной деятельности детей, их воображения, фантазии, творческого мышления. Развитие навыков работы в группе.
Воспитательный аспект: Воспитание уважительного отношения к истории своего народа, своей семьи. Формирование желания улучшить условия жизни в своем доме, городе, стране.
Учебные пособия: УМК “English-6”.
Дополнительные материалы: Проекты детей, семейные фотографии, тематические картинки.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Введение в сюжет. Today we’ll speak about different houses in different times. We’ll speak about people’s life and their work about the house. Do you remember the song about the housework?
  3. Фонетическая зарядка.
  4. I went to the kitchen
    And helped Mummy cook,
    Helped Mummy cook
    Helped Mummy cook.
    I went to the kitchen
    And helped Mummy cook,
    When she made the dinner.

    I went to the Granny’s
    And helped her to sew,
    Helped her to sew,
    Helped her to sew.
    I went to my Granny’s
    And helped her to sew
    When she made me a dress.

    I went to the garden
    And helped Daddy there,
    Helped Daddy there,
    Helped Daddy there.
    I went to the garden
    And helped Daddy there
    When he worked in the garden.

    I went with my Granddad
    And helped him to fish,
    Helped him to fish,
    Helped him to fish.
    I went with my Granddad
    And helped him to fish
    When he went to the river.

  5. Речевая зарядка.  >Сообщения детей. Dear children, do you help your parents? What do you do?
  6. Диалоги учащихся. Children, we’ve got a letter. Cinderella wants to go to the dancing party at the King’s palace, but she can’t. Her stepmother gave her lots of work:ash dishes
  7. Cook
    Tidy up the room
    Do the ironing
    Clean the house
    Go shopping
    Do the washing
    Sweep the floor
    Do you want to help her?
    Примерные диалоги детей:
    - Shall I wash the dishes?                                     - I’ll sweep the floor.
    - Thank you very much.                                       – Oh, thank you.
    Cinderella is very grateful to you.

  8. Путешествие в машине времени. Защита проектов. Дети показывают свои проекты и рассказывают о жизни людей в различные периоды времени.
  9. Темы проектов:
    a) “The life in our country 50 years ago”.
    Подготовительная работа: Дети собрали семейные фотографии, относящиеся к периоду ранее 1959 года, расспросили своих родных об условиях жизни в данное время, подготовили рисунки по данной теме. На основе данных материалов сделан коллаж.

    • Label the pictures, photos that show the life 50 years ago.
    • Tell what life was like 50 years ago. What houses did people live in? What conveniences did they have? What work about the house did they do? What clothes did they wear?
    • Be ready to answer your classmates’ questions about the life 50 years ago.

    Примерные сообщения детей:
     People lived in small houses. There were gardens near the houses. Look at the photo of my family. It is in the garden. The garden is beautiful.
    People wore old-fashioned clothes. Look at my family. Women wore platki and long dresses. Men wore high boots sapogi and valenki.
    There were no modern conveniences in the houses. There was no central heating in the houses. People used coal (уголь).
    There was no running water in the houses. People brought water from wells (колодцы) or street running water (колонки).
    People didn’t have washing machines. They washed their clothes with their hands or with washing boards (стиральные доски).
    People didn’t have washing vacuum-cleaners. They swept and washed the floor.
    People didn’t have TV sets. They listened to the radio and read books and newspapers.

    b) “The life in our country now”.

    Подготовительная работа: Дети собрали семейные фотографии о жизни в настоящее время, подготовили тематические рисунки и изготовили коллаж.
    Примерные сообщения детей:
    Now people live in big and small houses and flats.
    People wear modern smart clothes. We like to wear jeans, tops and jackets…
    There are modern conveniences in the houses. There is central heating in the houses. People use gas for cooking.
    There is running water in the houses. People have washing machines. They don’t wash with their hands.
    Vacuum-cleaners help us to tidy up the rooms.
    Now we have TV sets, DVD, video and computers at home. We like to watch interesting programs and films and listen to music. We like to play computer games. We have mobile telephones. It’s great!
    c) “The life in our country in the 22nd century”.
    Подготовительная работа: Дети разработали план жилища будущего:

    • Imagine that you live in the 22nd century. What house do you live in? Draw a plan of your house with furniture.
    • These robots can do housework. Explain what they can do.
    • Invent robots for your house and explain what they can do.
    • Show your house to your friends. Be ready to answer your classmates’ questions.

    Примерные сообщения детей:
    I live in the 22nd century. People have different houses.
    I live in a cake-like house.
    There are 3 floors in my house: a strawberry floor, a banana floor and a vanilla floor.
    Look at the plan of my house.
    On the strawberry floor there are two living rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a swimming pool and lots of strawberries.
    On the banana floor there are playing rooms a study and lots of bananas.
    On the vanilla floor there are bedrooms and lots of vanilla ice-cream.

  10. Аналитическое обобщение проектов и выводы.
  11. When would it be better to live: 50 years ago, in the present or in the future? Why?
    Примерные сообщения детей:
    I’d like to see how people lived in the past. I want to see the houses and to learn what people did. But I’d like to live in the present because I like my mobile telephone and computer games.
    I want to live in the present because I like modern conveniences. I like to watch TV and DVD and video.
    I’d like to live in the future. I want to see new things and play new games.

  12. Итог урока.
  13. Домашнее задание. AB ex. 1-3 pp. 43-44.